I have had this blog ready for almost 2 weeks now and wanted to do a blog quickly to explain....Why Rubies in the Peanut Butter? Well simple..... My name is Deanna Lynne Blakeman. I am a mom of 5! 4 little wonderful boys(and a Baby girl) The boys are 100% boys. And I wouldnt have them any other way. Isaac is 8, Caleb is 5 (gonna be 6), Noah is 3, And Jude is 2 (Hannah is 9 months). As you can imagine the Peanut Butter part came from the numerous PB fingerprints all over the house at times. As far as the Rubies...They have many meanings...1: It is my photography business name....Far Above Rubies Photography. 2: It is a scripture in the Holy Bible refering to a Christian woman and the characteristics that should be strived for as a wife.
"Who can find a virtuous woman? Her price is Far Above Rubies." prov31:10."
The name collectively stands for rubies in my pb....Numerous times in my life as a mom..I find things just arent where they should be...bananas in plants. Trucks in underwear. And Rubies in the Peanut Butter.
Great start Dee!! Good luck :)