About Me

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I am a Christian. I am devoted wife of over 11 years. A stay at home Mom of 4 crazy boys and one beautiful girl. I home school, I own my own photography business and I talk to walls sometimes too. Everyday I strive to be what the bible calls the "proverbs 31" woman. But, most of the times, even my Rubies are smeared in Peanut butter. But, I wouldnt change a thing.

Monday, August 22, 2011

If the Good Lord is Willing, and the Creek don't rise.....

....This is say to my children and my grandchildren...
As long as I am living, as long as there is breath in my body, If the Good Lord is willing, I WILL do everything in my power to continue to show you that I am forever here when you need me. I will be present in the good times, bad times. Births, graduations, Marriages, celebrations, and deaths. Through tears and smiles through hardships and triumphs. I want you to know that I LOVE YOU and will be your Mommy and Grandma everyday of your lives. I want to make sure you never feel slighted, you never feel lonely, you never feel deserted. I want you to know that  God, Daddy and I will always think of you as important and worth our priority. Always you'll be perfect the way God made you with your flaws and glories.  You can do anything you put your mind to, you are all smart, sweet, loving and precious in our minds and hearts.  There is nothing I want to miss in your lives, nothing: Forever.  Love You Always....Momma.

"I'll Love you Forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I am living, my baby you'll be."