About Me

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I am a Christian. I am devoted wife of over 11 years. A stay at home Mom of 4 crazy boys and one beautiful girl. I home school, I own my own photography business and I talk to walls sometimes too. Everyday I strive to be what the bible calls the "proverbs 31" woman. But, most of the times, even my Rubies are smeared in Peanut butter. But, I wouldnt change a thing.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mental Photographs

There are times in life where you assess your surroundings and you just know without the shadow of a doubt that you will remember this Moment forever....

There will be no need to run and get your camera {Although you will anyway}; Because this Moment is instantly, like a snapshot, forever embedded in you memory.  Every detail.

       The sun shinning perfectly through the golden leaves of the fall morning, The way the breeze is just enough to blow some leaves to fall and the smell of Autumn lingers in the air.  Almost dream like, you know instantly its a memory being born. A mental photograph instantly etched in your heart.  
       The smell of my daughter's hair. The biscuit in her right hand/ The grass stained knees of my boys. The visual of the boys jumping off the top of the slide.  The dogs faint bark in the background. The way the sun catches their blonde hair. Almost Heavenly.  

       Sometimes Cameras don't express what you are feeling, sometimes there is nothing as good as savoring every moment and remembering life's wonderful blessings while they are  today. Taking Mental Photographs along the way.  <3